December/January Member of the Month - Sarabjeet

By Member of the Month

This month we have the privilege of sharing with you Sarabjeet’s journey with LIVE WELL.  As you read her story, we are certain she will inspire you with her enthusiasm, energy and commitment.

I always believed that I could do “this”, that I could lose the weight on my own, and that I could figure it out.  Why? Because I have always been athletic (played every sport growing up) and I am a health professional, so I should apply my knowledge and just do it.  I am an occupational therapist and a clinical supervisor for an outpatient rehabilitation program at Surrey Memorial Hospital.  I am married, with 2 children and share our household with my mother.  I have a rich life, which includes a rewarding career, family and opportunities to travel. What I put my focus towards, I have been able to achieve.   So WHY has my weight and type-2 diabetes been a struggle for the 8 years prior to joining LIVE WELL.  The answer is that no one can do “this” alone.  My family doctor had watched me struggle for some time and suggested LIVE WELL.  I was open to and in a frame of mind to let someone else guide my diet, exercise plan and to monitor my progress.  I started with LIVE WELL in September of 2014 with the goals of losing weight and improving overall fitness to better control my diabetes.  

I can say today that I have taken many steps in my health journey to reaching those goals and I have the support of my family and the LIVE WELL team to thank for positioning me on that healthier path. The approach to my health has not only focused on the scale and how much weight I have lost but regular monitoring of other health indicators such as blood pressure, heart rate and fitness levels. This has been a tremendous motivator as I can see immediately the benefits and progress of staying with my exercise plan.

There have been challenges in the two years that I have been with LIVE WELL. These include a health scare of a close family member, ensuring my children are supported in their school and activities and trying to maintain a balance in meeting all the demands of a busy and full life.  However, taking care of myself means I can better live the life I have chosen, so that I can LIVE WELL.  

One aspect I really appreciate and often will share in conversation with LIVE WELL members, is to just go for it!  If you have a set back just get right back to class. There is no one judging you, just encouragement and a listening ear to get you back on track.  The staff is there to build you up and to assist you in achieving your goals.

Although there have been many small successes, there are two I would like to share.

The first is related to my diabetes. I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes at the age of 31. After my second child was born I had to go on an insulin pump and have been using one to control my blood sugars for the last 15 years.  As of September of 2016, I now no longer use an insulin pump!  This has been an incredible win for me and a step towards reducing the hold diabetes has on my life.  

The second success relates to a renewal in my body.  I feel so strong and energetic and with my improved health, I believe I can fulfill a dream I have always had and that is to return to university to complete my Masters degree.  I start in January of 2017.  

As I continue on this journey future goals include continued weight loss, cardiovascular fitness and strength.  I want to continue to role model the importance of regular exercise to my children and anyone else that draws some inspiration from my story. Ultimately, I want to be rid of my diabetes and I feel more confident that I can do it. I know that regular exercise will not only help me in reaching these goals but more deeply impressed upon me that regular exercise is just my new way of life. It is not an option but a must do on my to do list of life.   I look forward to many more successes in the future and working in partnership with LIVE WELL.

Sarabjeet, thank you so much for sharing your encouraging story with the LIVE WELL Community. It brings us such JOY that you never gave up and kept striving!

Member of the Month

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